Create sustainability through people. This site explains how.
Create sustainability through people. This site explains how.

How To Contribute

This blog provides opportunities to share your ideas on how to apply BEC. Here are some suggestions:

  1. You may develop a proposal to initiate BEC activities in a city. For example, you might discuss:
  • how different groups could cooperate to set up a BEC approach;
  • which BEC Tools might be implemented first, etc.
  1. Another topic of interest would be how BEC could contribute to a municipal sustainability effort. What would be the impact of engaging more citizens? How would this support planning? Could you measure the development of a culture of sustainability?
  2. A system of Sub-Themes of Sustainability could be explored. Can you suggest a breakout for any of the 10 Themes that would permit effective tracking and enhanced sharing of experience. Would this breakout be intuitive, understood by everyone, and cover all parts of the Theme? For example, would the following breakouts would be appropriate?
  • Natural Capital – soil, water, air, woodlands, wetlands, aggregates, stone;
  • Waste – reduce, reuse, recycle, redesign, waste to energy, life cycle, composting, sharing.
  1. You might also outline how a Theme could increase understanding and public engagement in sustainability. For example, within the Theme of Waste, how would a comparison of stories on the following, do this?
    • Mayfair on the Green: A Zero Waste Success Story in Toronto
    • Beaver Barracks: Reduced Waste in a housing project in Ottawa
    • Zero waste at Concordia University in Montreal

The length of the article may be up to two pages (about 800 words). This may include a photo to illustrate something in the article. Please endure it is copyright free, or preferably a photo you took.

The style should be like a newspaper article – start with the point and then explain it. What you write should be easy to understand and should get the reader thinking. Short sentences and simple words are best. And above all be positive. Tell us what you want to accomplish and how BEC can contribute.

We reserve the right to edit articles for readability and length, but will try to minimize our changes.

We look forward to your ideas on BEC.

James Birtch

Submit Your Article or Post Here

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