Perceived value drives voluntary support of sustainability Engaging 10% of a society can lead the rest of the population to adopt sustainability activities and quickly develop a Culture of Sustainability. (see the Speed of Cultural Change). People and organizations will do this voluntarily because they perceive personal value. For example: […]
Culture of Sustainability
Human capital exists in every city Human capital – people in Bogota. Photographer unknown. No copyright infringement intended. Human capital – the energy and ideas of people – is the new resource that cities need to move towards sustainability. It exists in every city, with creative potential that is largely […]
Urban planning can produce sustainable cities. There are dozens of examples around the globe. Planning for sustainability. Curitiba’s former industrial area is now parkland. Photo: J. Birtch Urban planning can produced sustainable cities. There are dozens of inspiring examples around the globe. Those cities significantly reduce environmental stress and improve […]
Technological innovation promises neat solutions to environmental problems. New systems for processing waste, powerful electric batteries and remote sensing to monitor land-use changes are just a few of the applications now being used for sustainability. There may be constraints on technical applications But there may be constraints on many applications […]
Sustainability was a normal way of living until recently Straw for goat bedding on family farm. Photo: Walden Effect Sustainability as part of culture is not new. Up to the 1950s, Canadian children regularly passed on clothes and toys to brothers, sisters and cousins. Today small family farms continue to […]
BEGINNING WITH SUSTAINABLE CITIES Three reasons to develop a Culture of Sustainability, in cities first, are: Cities have large environmental footprints. Reducing their negative impact would support the health of the Biosphere Unhealthy city environments are harmful for many people. Sustainable cities would improve quality of life for millions Decisions […]
Local cultures have always existed and global cultures have grown over time. For example, a Culture of Agriculture evolved over thousands of years to include almost everyone on the planet. Much more recently, the Open Source Movement has changed the global culture of business in one generation. Currently, the advent […]
WHY WE NEED A CULTURE OF SUSTAINABILITY If humanity is to live sustainably, this must be part of global culture Culture reflects what is important in a society. If Humanity is to live sustainably, sustainability must be part of culture. This applies at both local and global levels. This world […]